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really long post with some cool displays i found tonight. hopefully this helps create some creative thoughts flow through all of your heads for your own work!

www.flickr.com/photos/jessicaburko/1342297994/ (fabric with pins/hooks for the sides of your booth)

blog.indiecraftshows.com/2009/last-minute-displays/ (created a pendant display with felt in a frame)

farm4.static.flickr.com/3074/2718687124_581a0fb9d8.jpg (made from foam core) in use - farm4.static.flickr.com/3277/2717868549_9ee1974e94.jpg

farm1.static.flickr.com/190/465287874_10c3ccda1d.jpg (trunk/suitcase)

farm4.static.flickr.com/3200/3106782819_cbdb4f635f.jpg (chest/drawers for cards)

3.bp.blogspot.com/-P19WoENfOC8/TiNqQ_NzHhI/AAAAAAAAAI4/OLovqGhhPPw/... (card/print display made from a pallet)

4.bp.blogspot.com/_SzsobufKQAI/S-GdyWIb28I/AAAAAAAAAko/LzABJw-oxr0/... (cake stand)

greenupgrader.com/files/2011/06/citrus-crate-jewelry-display.jpg (those crates oranges and stuff come in, perhaps ask the grocery?)

buildmakecraftbake.com/2009/03/quick-easy-homemade-pendant-display.... (made from reclaimed tiles!)

jewelry-business-blog.com/jewelry_displays/lovely-cheap-diy-jewelry... (really cool necklace display!)

www.etsy.com/storque/media/bunker/2010/04/shih.jpg (wish i had a cake display like that!)

www.flickr.com/photos/22250090@N08/4134776686 (necklace display 'tube')

media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lmzl4q07oO1qfvhw3.png (egg carton ring display)

fashion.onblog.at/en/diy-storage-for-rings (using sponges!)

www.flickr.com/photos/69532088@N00/1525083027 (berry baskets for small items, used for chapstick here)

www.flickr.com/photos/74126136@N00/2693150138 (another interesting necklace display, a board with little notches on the top)

www.flickr.com/photos/josiebutter/5454712115/in/pool-715724@N24/ (drawers)

household6diva.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/5385505724_5a9d379a6b... (a hanger with hooks for an earring display)

www.flickr.com/photos/37906464@N08/3951894194 (ive always wanted to take apothecary jars and fill them with paper beads, what could you fill them with?)

www.flickr.com/photos/14621071@N02/2081012600 (easy (and cheaper than bed risers) to raise the height of your table)

www.flickr.com/photos/24647123@N00/3735061859 (interesting idea, two tall objects at the ends of your table with string in between to hang things from)

eliseblaha.typepad.com/golden/2011/03/craft-fair-display-number-one... (whooaaa really cool display idea for cards/prints/etc)

it looks like a lot of people get lucky and find great stuff at thrift/antique stores to repurpose into displays. like bread pans, china displays, etc etc. keep your eyes open! you might get lucky and find that one piece you need for pennies on the dollar :D

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