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для начинающих делать бижутерию.

Этот пост посвящен тем, кто хочет начать свои первые шаги и не знает как. В ВидеоМК представлены такие важные детали, как работа с круглогубцами и плоскогубцами, как закрепить бусины в серьгах или присоеденить замок. Лучше один раз увидеть, чем сто раз услышать!


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABmlSNmyWbs&feature... бусы и серьги бижу
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUtWMZLiJ3k&feature... серьги со штифтами
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tV-CcyOGPEQ&feature... серьги с кольцами
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOXF7JnN_uM&feature... сваровски на цепочке
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWRiITYUKM0&feature... браслет на резинке
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkGTet2BQgM&feature... кольцо из проволоки
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLA6txLO_ek&feature... колечки из бусин
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5lv0ZpUs5o&feature... браслет из бусин из сваровски
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4m-SXc6EcM&feature... жгут
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZMh1YqX8GE&feature... браслет вязанный из проволоки
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQNuLVyqS7w&feature... работа с колечками штифтами ланкой и т.д….
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aFEXhRrxs8&feature... кулончики с проволокой
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5txKcTcXQ-s&feature... кулон-цветок из сваровски
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1i0VU7CpII&feature... бусины из проволоки
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiB_PID3sC4 популярная цепочка

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxPM0mEQ9cs&feature... она же двойная цепочка
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvkkKq_OoQk&feature... браслет ндбеле
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4gRI9pVRVc&feature... браслет с кристаллами
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUvwhSWIo-Q&feature... еще один браслет с проволокой
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHLKhS-k-yo&feature... это 2 части цепочки с кулоном
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6wHgQ48yK0&feature... браслет на ланке
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VsPePc5mDY&feature... мемори проволока(браслет)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDFmZVR1bTM&feature... еще 1 простой браслет

Вот еще одна ссылочка, общая на все выпуски, с превьюшками http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=AuntiesBeads#g..., а эта ссылка на сайт AuntiesBeads http://www.auntiesbeads.com/, там есть не только эти видеоуроки, но и МК
http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=AuntiesBeads#p... приклеивание декоративных элементов

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Ссылки на проволокоплетение

Уроки Карлы Кам:
http://www.bellaonline.com(англ)- много полезного
Проволочное сердечко :
Состаривание (окисление) проволоки:

Базовые советы:

Еще пошаговые инструкции:

разные инструкции, в том числе и по работе с проволокой:

шаблоны для серег для выкладывания их на дощечке WigJig^

Красивые идеи с цепочками из цветных колечек:
Византийская цепочка:

Французский шнур (проволочный):

Оправа для кабошонов:

Платные уроки (полезно и просто посмотреть):

Красивейшие работы:

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Wire Fold Method 1 –
The Flat Fold:

The flat fold enables you to make a beautifully simple, compact double ring shank.

To make your flat fold, use the very tips of your round nose pliers to bend your piece of wire in a U-shape:


Then use your flat nose pliers to squash the U-shape as flat as possible (that’s why it’s called the flat fold!):


Wrap your flat-folded wire around your ring mandrel, and use your hammer to pound the shank into a nice ring shape.

Hammer starting at the folded end, then moving around to the wire on the back of your mandrel, and on around to where your wires meet up with the fold.

DON’T hammer your 2 long wire ends yet, or you won’t be able to curve and shape them easily.

Here I’ve wrapped the flat-folded wire spiral-style around the mandrel:


Then remove your wire from the mandrel. It should look something like this:


Now comes the fun part!

Use your pliers and your imagination to create artistic shapes with your two long wire ends.

Here I’ve used my round nose pliers to turn the longer wire end into a large, open spiral – and the shorter wire end into a little curl:


After you’ve finished designing both of your wire ends, put your ring back on the mandrel and give it a good hammering all over – including your fancy wire design.

Hammering the fancy wirework will ensure your design will curve naturally around the top surface of the wearer’s finger.

And just as important, the hammering will harden your wire design and make it sturdier:


Here’s a view of the back of my ring after hammering it all over; notice how the fancy wirework is curved just like the rest of the ring:


A Different Option for Your Flat-Folded Wire:

Instead of wrapping your flat-folded wire in a spiral around your ring mandrel, you can wrap it so that the two long wire ends straddle the fold:


I created this ring from a flat-folded wire that I wrapped around the mandrel straddle-style.

See the flat fold, right in the middle of the ring, and how the two wire ends straddle it:


Here’s a side view of the same ring:


And a back view of it; you can see what a nice double ring shank you get with flat-folded wire:


Wire Fold Method 2 –
The Round Fold:

The round fold gives you a lovely, airy, open-work double ring shank.

To make your round fold, use the fattest part of your round nose pliers to bend your piece of wire into a U-shape:


Then wrap your wire around your mandrel, and hammer just the shank portion of your wire (as described above under “Wire Fold Method 1 – The Flat Fold”).

This is a round-folded wire, after being wrapped straddle-style around the mandrel (with the two long wire ends straddling the round fold):


The ring below was made with a round-folded piece of wire – and it was wrapped around the mandrel spiral-style (NOT straddle-style).

See the wide round curve on the top spiral of this ring:


Here’s another view of this ring, showing how it looks when worn (if you have a pale-blue finger icon_smile.gif ):


Wire Fold Method 3 –
The Square Fold:

The square fold gives an interestingly angular look to your ring.

If you shape your two long wire ends into curls and swirls as I’ve done, the square fold is a nice contrast to the curves.

The square fold is also nice for more masculine ring designs.

To make your square fold, use your flat-nose pliers to bend your wire into a square U-shape:


Then wrap your wire around your mandrel, and hammer just the shank portion of your wire (as described above under “Wire Fold Method 1 – The Flat Fold”).

This is a square-folded wire, after being wrapped straddle-style around the mandrel (with the two wire ends straddling the square fold):


This ring was made with a square fold:


Another view of the same ring; see how the angles of the square fold make a good contrast with the spirals:


This ring was also created with a square fold and wrapped straddle-style around the mandrel:


Another view of this ring. Here you can see the effect of having your two wire ends in different lengths:


Of course you can add extra elements to your folded wire rings – such as beads, oxidizing / patina effects, and all kinds of other jewelry techniques!


And if you’re interested in an even simpler wire ring design, be sure to see my super-easy Wire Wrap Rings Tutorial.Wire Fold Method 1 –
The Flat Fold:

The flat fold enables you to make a beautifully simple, compact double ring shank.

To make your flat fold, use the very tips of your round nose pliers to bend your piece of wire in a U-shape:


Then use your flat nose pliers to squash the U-shape as flat as possible (that’s why it’s called the flat fold!):


Wrap your flat-folded wire around your ring mandrel, and use your hammer to pound the shank into a nice ring shape.

Hammer starting at the folded end, then moving around to the wire on the back of your mandrel, and on around to where your wires meet up with the fold.

DON’T hammer your 2 long wire ends yet, or you won’t be able to curve and shape them easily.

Here I’ve wrapped the flat-folded wire spiral-style around the mandrel:


Then remove your wire from the mandrel. It should look something like this:


Now comes the fun part!

Use your pliers and your imagination to create artistic shapes with your two long wire ends.

Here I’ve used my round nose pliers to turn the longer wire end into a large, open spiral – and the shorter wire end into a little curl:


After you’ve finished designing both of your wire ends, put your ring back on the mandrel and give it a good hammering all over – including your fancy wire design.

Hammering the fancy wirework will ensure your design will curve naturally around the top surface of the wearer’s finger.

And just as important, the hammering will harden your wire design and make it sturdier:


Here’s a view of the back of my ring after hammering it all over; notice how the fancy wirework is curved just like the rest of the ring:


A Different Option for Your Flat-Folded Wire:

Instead of wrapping your flat-folded wire in a spiral around your ring mandrel, you can wrap it so that the two long wire ends straddle the fold:


I created this ring from a flat-folded wire that I wrapped around the mandrel straddle-style.

See the flat fold, right in the middle of the ring, and how the two wire ends straddle it:


Here’s a side view of the same ring:


And a back view of it; you can see what a nice double ring shank you get with flat-folded wire:


Wire Fold Method 2 –
The Round Fold:

The round fold gives you a lovely, airy, open-work double ring shank.

To make your round fold, use the fattest part of your round nose pliers to bend your piece of wire into a U-shape:


Then wrap your wire around your mandrel, and hammer just the shank portion of your wire (as described above under “Wire Fold Method 1 – The Flat Fold”).

This is a round-folded wire, after being wrapped straddle-style around the mandrel (with the two long wire ends straddling the round fold):


The ring below was made with a round-folded piece of wire – and it was wrapped around the mandrel spiral-style (NOT straddle-style).

See the wide round curve on the top spiral of this ring:


Here’s another view of this ring, showing how it looks when worn (if you have a pale-blue finger icon_smile.gif ):


Wire Fold Method 3 –
The Square Fold:

The square fold gives an interestingly angular look to your ring.

If you shape your two long wire ends into curls and swirls as I’ve done, the square fold is a nice contrast to the curves.

The square fold is also nice for more masculine ring designs.

To make your square fold, use your flat-nose pliers to bend your wire into a square U-shape:


Then wrap your wire around your mandrel, and hammer just the shank portion of your wire (as described above under “Wire Fold Method 1 – The Flat Fold”).

This is a square-folded wire, after being wrapped straddle-style around the mandrel (with the two wire ends straddling the square fold):


This ring was made with a square fold:


Another view of the same ring; see how the angles of the square fold make a good contrast with the spirals:


This ring was also created with a square fold and wrapped straddle-style around the mandrel:


Another view of this ring. Here you can see the effect of having your two wire ends in different lengths:


Of course you can add extra elements to your folded wire rings – such as beads, oxidizing / patina effects, and all kinds of other jewelry techniques!


And if you’re interested in an even simpler wire ring design, be sure to see my super-easy Wire Wrap Rings Tutorial.

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How to Use Crimp Covers, Wire Guardians and 3 Different Kinds of Crimping Pliers

By Pearl Blay on Friday, September 18, 2009 Comments

crimp+cover+for+jewelry+clasp.JPGHow to use a crimp cover

I really loved this video I found on Youtube where the instructor from the Megabeadstore shows us how to use a crimp cover to hide the crimp.


However, what was neat was where she placed the crimp bead - not immediately next to the clasp as most of us do. She sandwiched the crimp bead between groups of metal beads. By the time she added the crimp cover, you'd be hard pressed to find where the crimp was!




How to use wire guardians

The design looks even cleaner with the use of wire guardians. These are wire protectors so your beading wire lasts longer. Karla from Aunties' Beads shows you how to use them in this video.




It's a little tricky watching how she attaches a clasp. The way I do it is to feed the wire through the crimp, the first side of the wire guardian, through the clasp, back down the other side of the guardian and lastly the crimp again. (Note the picture below should have the guardian going through the loop of the clasp first.)




Lately I have been just flattening the crimp using my chain nose pliers and not the crimping pliers as I think it looks quite balanced with the wire guardian. But it's just a matter of personal preference how you do it.




How to crimp using 3 different kinds of pliers

If you're wondering about the Magical Crimp Forming tool Karla uses in the above video, then watch the next video. She shows you how to crimp with three different types of tools including the Magical Crimp Forming tool. If you are using the specialised crimping tools, not only should you do some extra squeezes in different positions, test the hold! I speak from experience!!




Original Post by THE BEADING GEM

Jewelry Making Tips - Jewelry Business Tips


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